Drinking: Starbucks Toffee Nut Latte
Simply exquisite. I will accept all judgments on my overpriced latte purchasing. Seriously….try it. Unless you’re allergic to nuts.
Reading: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
The magical interweaving of two young lives, Marie Laure a blind french girl and Werren a German military specialist. Beautiful diction, observations and depictions of every corner of the heart. Simply a joy to read.
Wanting: To see the English country side
It would be a shame to live in England and only see London
Watching: Ugly Betty
Because I FINALLY figured out how to watch American Netflix in the UK. I use Hola!
Enjoying: Balance (or some simulation there of)
Americans do too much, we rush around trying to ‘achieve’ all of these things when we really need to spend time living, loving, and exploring a little more.
Liking: Moleskine travel journal
My favorite travel companion. If you want to travel you NEED this journal. Thanks Wynn for the wonderful gift!
but also trying not to dote on the subject. Whatever happens happens and I want to enjoy life as it is right now.
Loving: Citymapper/transportation
Citymapper will be your best friend if you live in a big city. It will show you how to get anywhere via foot, taxi, bus, tube or train. Which platform to go to, directions to the bus stop, etc. A city slicker’s must have app!
Transportation is also just a beautiful thing. The ease in which we can experience a variety of things is incredible. Don’t take it for granted.
Hoping: That you’ll read my posts more often and share them with friends.
Your participation means a lot to me.
Needing: Sleep
I'm either up late doing homework or exploring the world, literally and figuratively. It could be worse.
Wearing: Anthropologie Maija Cocoon cardigan, Clan Checked scarf, skinny jeans, combat boots, sweater - I love feeling cosy.
Honest and refreshing reviews of London restaurants, events, and places to see and also just life in general.
Buying: Train tickets
All the time. To Central London, to Dublin, to Brussels. It’s the right way to travel.
Bookmarking: Yoga Farm
I will go here one day!
7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose
Honestly I haven’t read the article, but I’ve been meaning too for several weeks! Its the thought that counts, right?
Disliking: No fall in London
The leaves did, eventually, change, but I miss football (American), oversized cardigans, pumpkins, pumpkin spice. And then this happened….
Me: Do you have any fall scented candles?
Sales Lady: Ugggghhhh…..we have cranberry
Me: ………
How has your month been? What you have been up to lately?